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racist conspiracy theories by ladybird dev

so yeah, the ladybird dev is boosting conspiracy theories and claiming he's been instructed to participate in "reverse racism" against white men as an exec, and how he was "scared to rock the boat".

if you weren't convinced that he's just an asshole by his "pronouns are political" statements before, then yeah.. here's him diving even deeper into this garbage.

it's always the same. starts with "pronouns and genders are political" and devolves into this kind of stuff. this is basically him saying he believes in white replacement theory.

Edit: removed the transphobia claim since he wasn't *explicitly* transphobic

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Norm (ノーム) ::

@novenary@halva really do hope google ends up spinning chromium out into an independent foundation. As it is, the development priorities are way too skewed towards Google's priorities (like Manifest V3 cripping adblocking, etc).

In terms of Gecko, I'm kinda skeptical about its future as well. Mozilla's been relying on Google money for a long time now, but the antitrust stuff might cause that to stop soon. Doesn't help that it's been mismanaged for a while now too.

Webkit might be what I'd go for if I was making a new browser today, but it does lag behind a bit in terms of standards compliance. Though to be fair, a lot of that has been driven by the Chromium group these days so maybe that's not as big of a downside...?

in reply to Norm (ノーム) ::

@norm @halva @novenary WebKit lagging behind… usually when I hear about this is about Safari which does release branches every year and also lags behind on the multimedia side of things due to MacOS, while WebkitGTK and WPEWebKit are every 6 months and don't really lag behind on the multimedia side of things since it just hooks to gstreamer.