in reply to Stephen Farrugia

I haven't entirely lost my techno optimism. The seeds of enshittification are planted by grafting monetization onto a technology. I have become convinced over the years that this is a law of economics and that there is no possibility of an exception to this rule. The only unenshittified technology is an unmonetized technology.
in reply to Cassandrich

Ownership of information is a real danger zone, as it opens the door to information asymmetry and other unfair arrangements. Notice how many Silicon Valley business models basically amount to creating informational one-way valves, that collect information in wholesale quantities and dispense it one data point at a time, or worse, systems that transmit high-value signal (direct observations of human behavior) in one direction, and noise (bloat) in the other direction. Unfortunately, information wants to be valuable, not free. If there is hope, it is in the fact that many people want information to be free, and the actions of those people in the aggregate (or better yet collective action) might be able to free large amounts of information, even some information that doesn't want to be free. Also unfortunately, the hacker ethic is largely dead. Hopefully it is not too late to revive it. #pubwan

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