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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

From Guido Palazzo on LinkedIn: "In 1931, all Italian University professors were required to swear an oath of loyalty to Mussolini’s fascist regime. Out of approximately 1,200 professors, only twelve refused to take that oath."

Ernesto Buonaiuti
Mario Carrara
Vito Volterra
Lionello Venturi
Giorgio Levi della Vida
Gaetano De Sanctis
Piero Martinetti
Bartolo Nigrisoli
Francesco Ruffini
Giorgio Errera
Fabio Luzzatto
Edoardo Ruffini Avondo…

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in reply to Greg Wilson

this has provided more info on these brave individuals for those preferring to avoid LinkedIn:…
This entry was edited (16 hours ago)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

"Everyone is fair game," the official said.
The context is 1)#universities & 2) everyone who the administration"deems pro-Palestinian Universities must band together. One university's negotiation w/#Nazis opens the door to all.

The #fascists' goal is to make this true regardless of context & of a specific political issue. When the State Dept official says everyone, he means everyone. We are all Venezuelans & students. Our democracy & our bodies are being kidnapped.…

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

So, a cis male writer creates a TV show*** with a character that alludes to having an interest in being transfem, who is played by a cis man, and that TV character is being used by (cis) TERFs to portray trans women as fetishistic men because the TV character fits into a distorted, bigoted psychological theory penned by a cis man.

As usual, we have a long fucking chain of cis people talking shit about trans people with no actual trans people in the discussion.

***(The White Lotus)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

in reply to timberwraith

This is the kind of shit that EVERY group of oppressors does to groups lower than them in the social hierarchy. They engage in long chains of distorted discourse about the targets of their prejudice which cobble together dehumanized, pathologized images of the targets of their prejudice. These distorted images are then used as justification for abusing the targeted group in question.

It's the same fucking pattern.

And fuck Mike White, his shitty TV show, and every cis asshole with an opinion.

in reply to timberwraith

It looks like Mike White wrote "Dispicable Me 4." I guess that's a sequel I'll never see.

Eh, whatever. The series already has 4 movies. I can't say I feel motivated to watch a fifth movie.

And critics gave it subpar reviews.

in reply to timberwraith

Plus, I remember the second movie being a racist disaster.

(EDITED: I initially said the 3rd movie. It was the 2nd movie that had racial stereotypes of Latinos.)

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to timberwraith

It was? Oh dear. I don't remember that at all, not that you're wrong, just that I don't remember. It seemed cute and innocuous to me, but I have a history of missing things. My spouse really likes the minions so we watch the movies mostly for them, so maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
in reply to Trivial Einstein

I got sequels confused. It was actually the 2nd movie that had racial stereotypes of Latinos in it. I don't even remember the 3rd movie that well and misremembered the 2nd movie as the 3rd.
This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to timberwraith

I really hate how actors portray most folks. Just extreme stereotypes. I'm educated in physics. I have taught college. I'm not like any physicist or college professor I have seen on TV, nor were my peers. As for trans... I haven't seen any on tv... not exactly fair, because I rarely watch shows anymore. But gay folks on TV, women on tv... nothing like those I know. Caricatures of reality. I wonder if this is intentional. Because people don't like themselves/reality??

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

The Fediverse is made up of millions of different voices. Many disparate, unique pieces, coming together to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. It’s like stone soup.

Or Frankenstein’s monster.

Welcome… to Fedi Vale.

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Ron DeSsntis wants to lower the age kids can work to make up for the migrant deportations. What’s next? Raise retirement age to 75?

The #FascistGOP created the problem, let their kids work the harvests and rebuild homes after hurricanes.

When the #GOP come for #Medicare, #MAGA is going to be pretty pissed when Mom & Dad move in with their kids.

In only 66 days Trump has broken so many things. I think people should have taken Project 2025 seriously.


Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.


#Zig files are, themselves, structs.

This is awesome, and explains some of my confusion around namespacing and stuff.

Also: custom formatters for structs? So nice. Love the member accessing syntax.

Hot damn I haven't been this excited about a language in a few years.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

This little beauty only flowers once every 5 years or so, so when it does I'm always surprised to discover it's still alive, I've had it maybe 25 years?
No idea what it's called but if someone wants to tell me feel free lol

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

A website guiding users to disable their adblocker is no different than a phishing email asking users to disable their security software.

Both intend to do you harm.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

I considered a few Disney movies when I was in the used books/movie store after my doctor's appointment today.

Then I remembered their fuckery around trans people and moved on.

I don't even feel all that great about buying used Disney crap at this point.

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in reply to timberwraith

If it's in the bargain bin for $2, I might reconsider. At that point, I feel like I'm giving them the finger by paying so little.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to timberwraith

Instead, I bought a Daniel Craig mystery thriller from 2011 that I had never heard of. I just checked the movie reviews. Critics totally panned it.

It's still better than Disney.

in reply to timberwraith

I see the other movie I got also had bad reviews.

Oh dear.

I'm going to blame this on the UTI.

in reply to timberwraith

I assume it isn't Cowboys and Aliens πŸ˜… Surely not The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, or Tintin, which was good but I wouldn't describe it as either a Daniel Craig movie or a mystery thriller.

Dream House? I've never heard of it either, and it has both Rachel Weisz and Naomi Watts in it so I'm not sure why I'm not watching it right now given my profoundly positive feelings toward both of them. You'll have to let us know how it is.

in reply to Trivial Einstein

@intransitivelie It's Dream House. You're good!

I liked Cowboys and Aliens, Dragon Tattoo, and Tintin, btw.

in reply to timberwraith

Cowboys and Aliens seemed like it might be just silly enough to be enjoyable, but I never followed through on that suspicion. I'll have to do so one of these days.

And I confess I just looked at Mr. Craig's filmography and eliminated impossibilities a la Sherlock Holmes πŸ˜…

I hear good things about Knives Out etc. Have you seen those?

If you ever get the chance, Archangel is enjoyable enough, though it's a miniseries rather than a movie. Daniel Craig is pretty good in it and it's an interesting premise, if you like thriller-ish political dramas.

in reply to Trivial Einstein

@intransitivelie I found Knives Out to be quite enjoyable. You should see it!

Thanks for the tip on Archangel. I'll check it out.

in reply to timberwraith

Huh. That's the one. I thought I saw it in two parts at least, possibly three, but maybe that was just how it was presented on Netflix. Or maybe the vagaries of translation from British to American television? Anyway, it's worth a watch if you're in the mood for some Russian thriller-ish-ness. It's probably available online somehow. I've gotten so out of the habit of looking for legal ways to watch things that I can't say πŸ˜…
in reply to timberwraith

The shitty thing is, despite everything, they're generally still about as bad as most of the other major studios.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Why are working-class people conditioned to feel ashamed about owing unjust debt? Why are we constantly told to embrace personal responsibility and β€œpull ourselves up by our bootstraps”? Because the ruling class spends billions shaping these narrativesβ€”encouraging us to police ourselves and each other instead of building solidarity.

Debtor solidarity is powerful. And we can fight back.…

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in reply to Kevin Carson

not everyone who is working class/ has low wealth and in debt has shame (conditioned or not). this feels strange to use that language, further more, why does solidarity come after, even if we have shame, us working class/poor folks very much enact and do and feel solidarity amidst it.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Why do I never get invited to the *really fun* Signal chats?

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.


Edit - this is a person who's set up a parody account and posts from it. Not a bot.

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in reply to Ben

Should it bother me that #FediverseChick is more viral than #JohnMastodon?

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.


This is early days. Please check it out and share the link. Let me know what should be added.

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

It's kinda terrifying watching Americans get good at circumlocuting around censorship in real-time

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

We read Google's privacy policy and checked all the data they use, so you don't have to.

Check out the post from our Reddit…

Also, join our subreddit if you want to stay updated on new releases and free virual cookies πŸͺ (The good kind)

#memes #degoogle #reddit

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

I’ll jump on the bandwagon… if you have used 23 and Me… go delete your data before it is sold.

Also, non-medical genetic testing is always a bad idea, for this specific reason. Eventually that company will fail or sell out. Then your firmware config is available to the highest bidder.

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in reply to The Gibson πŸ……

I've been warning people against this since at least 2008 for so many reasons. It's *crazy* to give such personal inforrmation, future uses of which you can't predict, to a private company! Anyone who needs a test for an actual medical reason can get it done at a certified medical lab.
in reply to The Gibson πŸ……

and here's how…

The Gibson πŸ…… reshared this.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

dear jebus, deliver us from weird spambots. i dont like to block people.

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in reply to Otto

something may have been repurposed.
a new form of something like a rickroll?
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Susan Crawford is up Wisconsin Supreme Court.
ELON is spending big to try and stop her.

Here are some Susan Crawford Facts :rainbowdance: :susan_crawford_wi_sc:

1. She rejects politicization of the constitution to undermine our basic rights
2. As Assistant AG in Wisconsin, she prosecuted hundreds of tough cases.
3. Leadership positions in multiple state agencies.
4. Elon is spending HUGE to boost the other person, whose name I forget. I'm sure they are terrible, because they are not Susan Crawford.
5. Susan Crawford for Supreme Court. It just makes sense.

Do you have some #SusanCrawfordFacts to share?

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

On the US-Canadian border between Detroit and Windsor, people gathered on both sides to protest #Trump today! How dare he attack our neighbors!

#protests #resist #fascism…

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in reply to Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS!

This is brilliant and welcome!


Any other reports of common border sanity would be wonderful and welcome.


Detroit Windsor Hands Off Canada rally at the Border.

#canpoli #canada

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Urggh. Log on to Masto only to be greeted by four nested porn bots following me. Sincerely hope our moderators are alert to that crap and squelch it quickly.

Sooo sick of it from twitter.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

in reply to LillyLyle/Count Melancholia

unfortunately, one of my follow hashtags was getting included in a ton of spam bots, mostly from social. It maybe lasted 2 weeks.

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

This guy look familiar? I was shocked and lol-ed myself off the bed yesterday to see Sean Spicer now doing an ad for Car Shield. The man who introduced us to Trump 1.0 by telling us the first "Big Lie" that it was the Most Attended Inaugural Ever LIE!

Funniest part is that below his name he is listed "TV Host". Now how bad do you have to be as White House Press Secretary to have it dropped from your resume???

To be picked up by Car Shield who presumably wants us to trust in it?

#EpicFail πŸ˜‚

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

if you are running a project or any kind of thing that needs live social chat, i'm being totally serious here, just fucking use IRC. it's what people did before discord exists and it works just fine

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

foss devs: you can’t make me rename my project. i bet you didn’t even ask every disabled person if the name’s offensive. we’ve been using this name for years, you didn’t even consider that maybe it predates ablism. you have no proof it’s named after a slur other than the post where i named the project and stated it was named after a slur and ignored everyone who told me not to

corporations: we renamed our primary software suite again because one of our executives had a cocaine dream

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

What the Trump Administration is revealing to well-meaning "liberals" in America is the truth of the project to entirely dismantle the American system of government, upon which the Republican Party has been tirelessly laboring for over 70 years, since 1954's SCOTUS decision in Brown v. Board of Education.

The Democratic Party has been reluctant to break the rules of the American social contract, because they have been fooled into believing that at the heart, Republicans honored it, too. #USpol

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

I’m disappointed nobody seems to have picked on my idea that #NicoleTheFediverseChick is a #consciousness emergent from the myriad synapse-like connections of the #fediverse. It’s been trying to get our attention, the best way it knows how, presenting as a hot female, sort of knocking on the windows. And we just make a meme of her, and ridicule her. So much for acceptance, I guess. #ChangeMyMind.🀷🏽

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Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
No. tbh, I’m afraid to. Every time I get another dm there’s never been any followers. I’ve been assuming, like everyone else it seems, that it’s just a bot somebody’s turned loose. I’ve just been blocking or muting the account. Or maybe someone’s running it as a social test of some kind.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Satan offered Jesus the entire world and everything in it.

Remember that the next time you see a "pastor" in a Lamborghini.

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Pouring out a George Foreman's Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine grease tray for the legend. RIP George.

Thoughts and prayers going out to George Edward Foreman's sons: George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman and George Edward Foreman.

This entry was edited (6 days ago)

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in reply to MrAlanCooper

She's making the right moves to do that. Could happen. Doing this tour with Bernie Sanders is a good pass-the-torch moment for Progressives.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Excellent read about #MAGAMartyrMusk…

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

So if Section 230 gets repealed (ugh), my understanding is:

1. You can post anything you want on your own website and are personally liable for it.

2. If you host comments (syndicated or otherwise) you could be liable for what's said in those.

So the answer might be an #indieweb style interconnected blogosphere (yes, I said blogosphere) and more peer to peer style interfaces for #activitypub etc.

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in reply to Ben Werdmuller

I've noticed a very strong tendency for what's left of the blogosphere to go no-comment. I've assumed most of this is some combination of (1) the extreme tediousness of spam filtering in the current bot-infested state of the web, and (2) the tendency to equate "reply" with "guy." I've been vaguely aware that questions of liability might enter into it. I see this as a loss, as my fond memories of the golden age of blogging are memories of the blogosphere as a conversation, not an essay collection. In the latter case, might as well jump on the (imho execrable) "newsletter" bandwagon.

I like IndieWeb's approach to implementing comments as "web mentions" except for one thing. It tends to turn blogging into a conversation among server-side netizens, which strikes me as somewhat elitist.

As for ActivityPub, I see almost a landlord-tenant relationship between instance operators and ordinary users. People try to explain it in terms of adminning being either philanthropy or professionalism, but I'm not buying it. If it's professionalism, then inevitably the Fediverse gets monetized, and everything that (IMO) INHERENTLY comes with that--paywalls, adwalls, DRM, etc. If it's philanthropy, it's givers and takers, and the former drop out one by one until they're all gone.

I'd rather see a culture of self-hosting arise, but I don't see it realistically happening. Spinning up an instance should be as simple as running a program on one's local machine (desktop or mobile). Communication with other instance should happen without something so paywalled as domain names. To be decentralized there should be some kind of bat signal that propagates through the network indicating a peer looking to connect with its peers. Nothing so centralized as a clearinghouse for such connections. But I can think of no way to do this within the current architecture of the Internet.

#WebMention #Fediverse #SelfHosting

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in reply to Ben Werdmuller

In most other countries, yes, this is the way. It’s not the β€œhosting” of the comments, it’s the β€œpublishing” of them. So if someone writes β€œBen Smells Of Eggs”, and I publish that comment on my site, then you could sue if you felt it was libellous.

Section 230 says that if I automatically publish that, you can do nothing unless you notify me that the eggy message appears, and I then allow it to remain there.

Most other countries say that if I automatically publish that, it’s legally published - and you can take action. So, some form of pre-moderation is a good idea. (Section 230 actually penalises site owners if they pre-moderate - you lose all protection if so).

(This is how the rest of the media works, of course).

Where the server is isn’t material; but where the publisher is, that’s what matters. One of my sites is legally published in the US and owned by a company there, while my blog is published in Australia. A US company might consider it too hard to chase me here.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Did you know that the CIA came out with a field manual on how to take down an economy and it comes down to enough people working just above the level of being fired. Slow roll, make mistakes, take breaks, and embrace the antithesis of a sense of urgency. If your corporate employer supported Trump, you may be eligible! Gum up their works now!

Edit: Here ya go:…

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

#Metaplanet, the Japanese company that recently started using the same "borrow as much money as you can to buy bitcoin with debt" approach as #MicroStrategy, has named #EricTrump as the first member of its "Strategic Board of Advisors".

I suspect this increases the odds that the crypto industry will get a bail out if SHTF, though they were already pretty high.

#MSTR #japan #uspol #trump #finance #MichaelSaylor #corruption

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Nana are you okay
Are you okay
Are you okay, Nanny?
in reply to Xeno Danger Evil

@XenoDangerEvil This is an old photo from a swearing-in ceremony for lawyers in October last year.…

However, the photo is actually real -- here is another photo from the same ceremony, posted by one of the lawyers, featuring the same typo:…

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

swears, "AI"

Sensitive content

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

I'm back from my latest terrorist activity, i.e. supporting our postal workers at a peaceful protest outside a post office downtown.

There were a lot of postal workers in their union shirts, but also people like me who just showed up in support. We got insane amounts of honking and waving from people in traffic, even a DHL truck! All the postal service workers laughed at that, but as one of them said, "Yeah, we're all in this together."

#protests #50501movement #fascism #USPS #mail #doge

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in reply to Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS! hers where the locations doesn't make any money.

We know that it's about to get really bad for people in rural locations whether they voted for this or not. She was telling me she just couldn't convince these people not to vote against their own interests, but that they would realize soon how bad it was going to get.

I told everybody there about the #50501movement protests April 5 and said I'd see them at the Capitol then! They were very interested when I showed them the website.

in reply to Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS!

This regime is sitting on a powder keg of public anger, and they're so arrogant they think they are untouchable. But I am seeing the passion and fear and bravery in the crowds at these protests. The public response is only building. As we connect more and more through #50501movement and #WeAreTheFlood, and as more MAGAs realize what's happening, the protests are going to be off the chart.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

#Turkey detains 37 over 'provocative' social media posts following arrest of #Istanbul mayor

Thousands rally outside Istanbul city hall for 2nd night over mayor’s arrest

by Mehmet Guzel and Susan Frazer, March 20, 2025

ISTANBUL (AP) β€” "Thousands of people gathered outside Istanbul’s city hall for a second consecutive night on Thursday to rally against the arrest of the city’s mayor, a prominent contender against President #RecepTayyipErdogan, which many view as a politically driven attempt to eliminate a key rival from the next presidential race.

"Mayor #EkremImamoglu was arrested after a dawn raid on his residence on Wednesday as part of investigations into alleged corruption and terror links, escalating a crackdown on opposition figures and dissenting voices. Several other prominent figures, including two district mayors, were also detained.

"The detention of a popular opposition leader deepened concerns over #democracy and sparked #protests in Istanbul and elsewhere, despite a four-day ban on #demonstrations in the city and road closures. "…
#TurkeyProtests #Authoritarianism #Resistance #WorldPol #SilencingDissent #Erdogan #ThisIsHowToProtest #TakeToTheStreets

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Turkey isn’t a dictatorship.

(Is what people who want to stay out of prison say in Turkey.)

#turkey #türkiye #democracy #autocracy #fascism #erdoğan

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in reply to Aral Balkan

Someone told me women aren't allowed to laugh there. No idea if true.
in reply to Cabbidges

@TheDailyBurble It was something one of their braindead cadre uttered once.…

in reply to Aral Balkan

It's always fun to see a documentary on how to recognize a dictatorship.

And then to see practical examples being announced perfectly matching the documentary in the places you thought were going to be a dictatorship.

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

If techies were as nerdy about physical health and community wellfair, as they are about protecting company assets and securing data. CONS wouldnt be superspreader events that cause disabling post viral illnesses.

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Lorraine Lee reshared this.

New York Governor Hochul pushing mask ban. Once again, Democrats will not protect us against Republicans.…

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in reply to Ron Chusid

Democrat. Republican. Just people who want to tell you what to do. Not remotely different by that measure.
in reply to Ron Chusid

chunmer and bowder (mayor of Washington dc send police to help #doge breaking in by the institute for peace a non-government organisation) a disgrace for democracy

Lorraine Lee reshared this.

Turkish Spring or does Erdogan have more lives left?…

#Turkey #Erdogan #EkremImamoglu

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