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Shame on Mississippi and Alabama for having a Robert E Lee Day intentionally scheduled to coincide and conflict with Martin Luther King, Jr Day. These states perpetuate the fake Lost Cause narrative and were pissed that King was recognized in a federal holiday, so this is how they "get back" at their perceived injustices of civil rights and equality. And while other southern states have gotten over it, Mississippi and Alabama persist in their lie-driven hate. Shame on them.

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in reply to Stuart Celarier

Mississippi and Alabama are also the two states in which groceries are subject to sales tax.

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in reply to Stuart Celarier

@lori And sales taxes are regressive. On food it is deliberate punishment of the poor. So sad that the voters can't see what is happening to them.
in reply to Stuart Celarier

Lee Day came first. The coincidence of birthdays has led to some entertaining chaos in state legislatures. When I was in grade school we celebrated Lee/Jackson/King Day. (The middle one would be Stonewall Jackson.)
in reply to Virginicus

@Virginicus Even the Commonwealth of Virginia, Lee's birth state and the state whose army he led, dropped the Lee Day five years ago.
in reply to Stuart Celarier

Is Jackson Mississippi delivering potable water to non white households yet?

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