i think all social media posts should begin with a land acknowledgment that blogs were here first and sincere expressions of contrition for colonizing the place and destroying the culture.
Probably the final nail in the coffin of the blogosphere has been the "newsletters" fad. #medium, #substack, and /p/ are all filtered terms in my Fediverse accounts.
Lorraine Lee
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman • •Steve Randy Waldman likes this.
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Steve Randy Waldman
in reply to Lorraine Lee • • •Lorraine Lee
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman • •What's your RSS feed?
Mine is astoundingteam.com/wordpress/f…
Steve Randy Waldman
in reply to Lorraine Lee • • •@lori you’re in my reader!
the feed for blog i’m writing on most now (politics and economics-ish) is drafts.interfluidity.com/feed/…
for all my blogs (including a tech notebook and a rarely updated “main” blog as well as drafts), it’s interfluidity.com/unify-rss/al…
Lorraine Lee
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman • •Steve Randy Waldman likes this.
sport of sacred spherical cows
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman • • •